What would we be without an imagination? Something to take us away from
this world full of pain, insecurities and what society defines as ‘acceptance’.
How could we live without the creations of the imaginative? A world without
Shakespeare, Einstein and Picasso seems to me, somewhat bleak and
un-interesting. A world without imagination is like a melody without a song, a
bird without flight or a cure without an illness. All of these things seem
pointless in retrospect.
I know this seems like a long shot, but at night my mind begins to wonder
about the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘imagine that’s’ of life. In the darkness and
silence of the night I am left alone and forced to respond to my imaginative,
if not slightly psychotic, theories.
What if there was life on other planets? Or even living in the shadows
alongside us? I’m not saying the kind of creatures from men in black, but what
if we are coexisting with some other form of life and we don’t even know it?
Mold on a rock could contain life that has the capability to evolve just as we
Imagine if animals really do have a language of their own, which can be
understood by some humans. And wouldn’t it be amazing if places like Oz and
Wonderland really did exist?
When I was a child, my friends and I used to play a game. We would pretend
to be Barbie dolls and the school playground was just one big, toy house. This
got me thinking, what if the human race are simply pawns in someone else’s
game? What if we are just toys that are played with and disposed of when we get
old and the newest editions are available? Imagine that! It would certainly
explain the purpose of life and death.
All of my silly little thoughts manifest in to one big, really idiotic
thought. However, without imagination life wouldn’t be what it is today. Some
of the greatest inventors would not have been inspired to create, scientists
wouldn’t have been determined to explore and because of this the future would
not be something many of us look forward to.
Our minds were created with the function to imagine. After all, an insane
man’s doings are a sane man’s thoughts.
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